Rutgers大学Keith Mickolajczyk教授课题组招募博士后



全美排名前十五的顶尖研究型学府,新泽西州立Rutgers大学,生物化学与分子生物学系的Keith Mickolajczyk教授实验室(正在招募多名博士后研究员,参与进行中的研究项目。

我们诚邀在生命科学领域有卓越研究能力的您加入Keith Mickolajczyk教授的团队,共同探索核糖体成熟机制以及ATP 酶的调控和底物靶向机制。


Mickolajczyk实验室专注于研究研究核糖体生物发生过程中运动蛋白的前核糖体成熟机制以及 ATP 酶的调控和底物靶向机制。

主要项目包括研究马达蛋白的前核糖体成熟机制,这是生成正确折叠并能进行蛋白质翻译的新核糖体的重要过程。研究人员将利用力谱学(光学和磁镊子)、单分子荧光和大量生化方法,研究这些马达蛋白如何将 ATP 水解产生的能量转化为机械功,以促进核糖体前折叠。所开发的检测方法将被用于对运动蛋白的野生型和疾病衍生突变体进行基准测试,以研究核糖体病和其他核糖体依赖性疾病的分子基础。博士后研究员还将有机会参与正在进行的合作项目,并在实验室内牵头开展新项目。


  1. 参与科学交流、培训初级人员、基金申请稿件的撰写。

  2. 参与评估现有程序,必要时提出修订建议,必要时提出新程序建议。

  3. 协助实施实验室感兴趣的特殊领域的计划和项目。

  4. 协助制定绩效标准,选择方法和仪器,协调分析、生化、生理和仪器功能与研究领域的关系,确保符合部门的目标和目的。

  5. 准确记录实验室笔记和研究活动。审阅文献,准备提交的手稿和摘要。在全国性会议上介绍研究成果。

  6. 还可指导研究生/本科生。



61,805 美元/年





  1. 获得博士学位,专业背景为生物化学、生物物理、生物工程或相关生命科学领域。

  2. 在研究蛋白质和 RNA 的生化和分子生物学方法方面拥有丰富的经验。

  3. 理想候选人需具备高度的积极性、团队合作精神、细致入微的工作态度和良好的组织能力。

  4. 优先考虑在过去三年内获得博士学位且有单分子生物物理学方面工作经验的申请人。


Dear Academic Colleagues:

The laboratory of Professor Keith Mickolajczyk ( at Rutgers University, a top 15 research university in the United States, is currently recruiting multiple Postdoctoral Researchers to join ongoing research projects.

We warmly invite talented researchers in the life sciences to join Professor Mickolajczyk’s team to collaboratively explore the mechanisms of ribosome maturation and the regulation and substrate targeting mechanisms of ATPases.

We look forward to welcoming you to our team!


The Mickolajczyk laboratory is recruiting Post Doctoral Associates to engage in ongoing research projects relative to studying the mechanisms of pre-ribosome maturation by motor proteins and regulation and substrate-targeting by ATPase enzymes in ribosome biogenesis.

The main project involves studying the mechanisms of pre-ribosome maturation by motor proteins, an essential process for generating new ribosomes that are properly folded and competent for protein translation. Force spectroscopy (optical and magnetic tweezers), single-molecule fluorescence, and bulk biochemical methods will be used to investigate how these motor proteins convert the energy from ATP hydrolysis into mechanical work in order to promote pre-ribosomal folding. The assays developed will be used to benchmark wildtype versus disease-derived mutants of motor proteins to investigate the molecular bases of ribosomopathies and other ribosome-dependent diseases. The Post Doctoral Associate will also have the opportunity to participate in ongoing collaborative projects, as well as to spearhead new projects within the lab.

Posting Summary

  1. Engage in scientific communication, training of junior personnel, grant writing and manuscript preparation.

  2. Participate in the evaluation of existing procedures, suggesting revisions where necessary and proposing new procedures where required. Assists in the implementation of the programs and projects in special areas of interest to the laboratory.

  3. Contribute to the development of performance standards, selection of methodology and instrumentation and coordination of the analytical, biochemical, physiology and instrumentation functions with the research areas to ensure conformance with the goals and objectives of the department.

  4. Maintain accurate records of laboratory notebooks and research activity. Review literature and prepare manuscripts and abstracts for submission. Present findings at national meetings.

  5. Maintain accurate records of laboratory notebooks and research activity. Review literature and prepare manuscripts and abstracts for submission. Present findings at national meetings.

  6. May also mentor graduate/undergraduate students.

Position Information

Position Status
Full Time

Position Salary

Standard Hours

Terms of Appointment
Staff - 12 month

Rutgers offers a comprehensive benefit program to eligible employees. For details, please go to

Minimum Education and Experience

  1. The candidate requires a post-doctoral degree by the start of employment; preferably in biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering, or similar within life sciences, and significant experience in biochemical and molecular biology methods to study proteins and RNA.

  2. The ideal candidate is energetic, collegial, detail oriented and organized.

  3. Preference would be for the candidate to have earned the PhD within the past 3 years.

  4. Previous experience in single-molecule biophysics.

If you are interested in the above position, please click site link to access further details and submit your application.




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